The international policy of Rishikul primarily stresses upon establishing close proximity with foreign schools for developing a productive relationship with them.

  • INT

    The international policy of Rishikul primarily stresses upon establishing close proximity with foreign schools for developing a productive relationship with them. It aims at acquainting foreign students with India’s cultural legacy and eternal moral values widely acclaimed for propagating the well-known dictum, ‘Unity In Diversity’. Similarly, it would facilitate Indian students to be more aware of the culture abroad and transcend all linguistic and ethnic differences

    Rishikul sincerely views the issues of global concern such as pollution, natural disaster, depletion of ozone layer, global warming, etc and is ready to contribute its might to fight against these ever haunting problems.

    Our team of brilliant students under the expert guidance of different co-coordinators is all set to work tirelessly for promoting harmony and brotherhood among the global communities.

    The School is fully devoted to –

    • Organize Exchange Programmes on Community living
    • Lay stress on various adventurous activities ensuring joint participation of students from different countries
    • Demystify the use of Science & Technology with the help of Science projects on Global issues
    • Hold hobby classes meeting out international taste
    • Lay special emphasis on organizing music & dance concerts based on classic themes to ensure active participation of Foreign students in various cultural activities
    • Conduct sport activities of International standards involving native & foreign students develop a critical attitude in students to find solutions to various problems of global concerns



  • icm

    The international policy of Rishikul primarily stresses upon establishing close proximity with foreign schools for developing a productive relationship with them. It aims at acquainting foreign students with India’s cultural legacy and eternal moral values widely acclaimed for propagating the well-known dictum, ‘Unity In Diversity’. Similarly, it would facilitate Indian students to be more aware of the culture abroad and transcend all linguistic and ethnic differences.

    Reema Sharma
    (British Council School Ambassador)


  • Introduction
    Student exchange complements formal education an important and exciting way.
    Imagine living overseas for anything from 10-15 days to two months. You’d be placed with a host family and attend a local school in host country. You’d live like a local and become immersed in the culture. You’d learn the language and gain valuable international experience. You’d learn a lot about yourself. Being an exchange student is a challenging as well as rewarding experience. You’re not a tourist or a guest. You’re actually living in your host country as a member of that community. Student Exchange Programs promote
    tolerance, maturity and independence. They also encourage an international
    perspective. In a very competitive world these are highly sought after qualities.

    Student exchange is an investment for life. Experience of an exchange program is
    everything and the experience can be hugely beneficial in many different and valuable
    A student on exchange:-

    • Gets to know how others live and come to see the world from another
    • Tests herself and acquire independence and maturity
    • Makes new friends and appreciate old ones even more
    • Gains experience and judgment and learn about the world first hand
    • Long after returning home will influence and inform her life with her exchange
    • Will get a substantial backdrop from which to make a future study and career
    • Will stand apart from the crowd and mark herself as someone who has proven
      herself in challenging circumstances overseas.

    Note: Employers are increasingly alert to the benefits of student exchange.


    • Demonstrated involvement in activities at Rishikul Vidyapeeth.
    • Ability to represent school and country.
    • Ability to adapt to new environment and challenges.
    • Tolerance and ability to consider others.
    • Ability to work with people of other culture.
    • Ability to articulate and substantiate opinions.
    • Ability to maintain good emotional balance under pressure.
    • Ability to communicate adequately in the language of the host country /English.
      Good organisational skills and good health.
    • Age Group: Students of class/year 8 to class/year 12.

    Screening and Selection of Participants

    • A list of students willing to participate in exchange program is prepared by
      exchange coordinators.
    • Individual interviews are conducted with a panel of staff including the School
      Principal, Year Coordinator, Exchange Coordinator, School Counsellor and other
      staff members.
    • The successful students are notified and their parent’s approval is sought.
      Coordinator will contact the students parents by telephone to discuss the
      exchange or set up an afternoon or evening meeting.
    • Students are issued with the Student and Parent Profile Information Forms to
    • The Host School is to send student’s profile either by fax or email.
    • The exchange student’s parents are to confirm the flight details, current status of
      their ward’s passport.
    • List of exchange students and their host student is prepared by the host school
      and mailed to the partner school.
    • Flight details are sent by the partner school to the host school.
    • The Host School is to confirm receipt of student’s flight details and airport pick up
      of visiting students.
    • Letter which outlines requirements for exchange students (from overseas) in
      terms of clothing etc. is also to be faxed/posted.
    • Once all details have been confirmed a Letter of Invitation will be faxed from the
      Exchange School and given to the students before they leave.

    Other relevant information about Exchange Programme

    1. The parents of students on exchange continue to pay their usual tuition fee at their
      respective schools i.e. Rishikul Vidyapeeth and the host School.
    2. Respective parents cover airfares, visa charges and arrange passport only.
    3. Visa processing will be done by the school and parents of the host school may have to go for interview at embassy.
    4. Health and travel insurance is compulsory with evidence of its being in place to be
      provided to Rishikul School or exchange schools as relevant.
    5. Out of pocket expenses for parents account away girl will need her own
    6. School uniforms will be provided by our clothing pool.
    7. The period of the exchange is flexible, 10-15 days or may be as decided by both the schools.
    8. Each student will stay with her exchange partner at her home and for some official
      events she may have to stay at the school suites.
    9. Host student’s family takes care of food, local sightseeing, etc.
    10. Small Number of school staff also accompanies the group. They usually stay with
      their staff exchange partners.

    Note: Our experience is that exchange works best if everybody do them in tandem i.e. are together at one school, then together at the other .

    Responsibility of a Rishikulians’ Parent’s regarding Student’s
    coming on Exchange
    It must be recognised that there is a lag in time of several months before an exchange
    guest arrives.
    In the interests of reciprocity Rishikul Vidyapeeth parents should be responsible for:

    • Collection of exchange student from Delhi airport and taking them to your home.
    • At completion of stay deliver exchange student to Delhi airport, seeing them
      through to departure lounge.
    • Arranging for student to gain some exposure to Indian culture, history, scenery etc.
      where possible.
    • The School encourages exchange students to spend some time in the host country during holiday time wherever possible.
    • The Indian host family should be available to facilitate this.
    • Dropping and picking from school daily.
    • To provide separate mobile number to the exchange student.


  • S No Activity Teacher’s Involved
    1. Dramatization of Mock Parliament Sessions of Germany and India Ms BhupilaMs Sudesh
    2. Celebration of National and International Festivals like Easter, Christmas, Diwali, Eid, Janamashtmi etc Ms Diksha Ms SangeetaMs Poonam Attri
    3. Clean Environment to Save Mother Earth Ms SudeshMs Anu
    4. A Crusade Against Malaria Ms DikshaMs SangeetaMs Sudesh
    5. The Study of a Day in Common Wealth Countries Ms BhupilaMs Sangeeta
    6. To compare Education System of two partner Countries i.e. Germany and UK Ms SangeetaMr AkashMs Anu
    7. A Comprehensive Study of the Local Area Ms Poonam AttriMs PratimaMs Gunjan
    8. A Comparative study of Greetings and Costumes across the world Ms NehaMs Poonam AttriMs Gunjan

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