Ask The Expert
Continuous opportunities for self-improvement and to learn the latest innovations and advances in their profession trainings will be offered in multiple modes, including in the form of local, regional, state, national, and international workshops as well as online teacher development modules. Platforms (especially online platforms) will be utilised so that teachers may share ideas and best practices. Each teacher will be motivated to participate in at least 50 hours of CPD opportunities every year for their own professional development, driven by their own interests. CPD opportunities will, in particular, systematically cover the latest pedagogies regarding foundational literacy and numeracy, formative and adaptive assessment of learning outcomes, competency-based learning, and related pedagogies, such as experiential learning, arts-integrated, sports-integrated, and storytelling-based approaches, etc
The School frequently organizes motivational talks, seminars and workshops for teachers to hone and update their teaching skills and knowledge on a continuous basis.
Many of these events are held to keep our teachers motivated, inspired focussed.
The aim is help them find out the latest trends, methods and materials in effective teaching and learning as practiced in the world, especially in such countries as Finland, Switzerland, USA, UK, Australia, Germany, France and Canada.
Teachers are encouraged to be as autonomous as possible. Each of them gets plenty of opportunities to develop and showcase their leadership abilities and acumen.
Personality development and memory enhancement programmes are also organised for teachers as well as students.
The School duly recognizes the involvement of parents in the education process of their children. The rapport with the parents is established by :
- Providing regular counselling for students and par
- Organising periodic Parent-Teacher Meets
- Discussing the performance of children at the end of every exam
- Inviting parents on special functions
- Sending academic/medical report of children
- Getting signature on their word’s diary
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