To encourage a healthy spirit of excellence, individual and team awards are liberally bestowed on the deserving students for winning laurels in various scholastic and co- scholastic activities conducted throughout the academic session. Whopping Scholarships worth more than 85 lakhs in the name of MAYAKRISHAN SCHOLARSHIPS are given to the meritorious and other dexterous students for their outstanding performances in different domains.



Awarded to the new admissions for their academic excellence shown in an aptitude test of English, Maths and General Awareness



Cash Awards on offer to the students for their brilliant ideas in the form of essays, write ups, project reports, exhibits, models, prototype or PPT that may bring about a positive and revolutionary change with an impact on society



Cash Awards for the unique talent and its phenomenal presentation in Music, Dance, Singing, Acting, Sports and Fitness Activities, Communication Skills, Creative and  Artistic Domains



Cash Awards and Prizes in kind for showing great Leadership Skills



The school felicitates the youngsters who possess some extraordinary skills, and have the qualities that they can outshine their superiors. Such prodigies are selected on the basis of their performances and are rewarded with handsome prizes so that feel motivated and excel further in their desired pursuits  



Some exceptional children who crave for selecting Indian Administrative Services , Medical, Engineering , Armed Forces Services as their future pursuit are rendered proper guidance from time to time . The school invites professional trainers and counsellors who satiate the queries of the grooming officers and conducts various practice tests, Counselling Sessions and workshops and seminars for the aspirants of such coveted positions     



To serve the nation with motto  ‘Nation First’  through Intellectual Defence Policies, Tactical Strategies and Physical Endurance



The award for the teachers for their excellent presentation of lessons using experiential teaching methods following collaborative learning approach using various techniques prescribed in the New Education Policy 2020

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