The school provides transportation for the convenience and the safety of students. The school operates its own buses on specific routes, depending on the number of students on the route.

Though we try our best, it may not always be possible to drop students at their doorstep or to accommodate requests for changes. Once a route has been finalised no changes/diversions will be entertained, and parents are requested to co-operate. If any student is found violating the code of conduct for the bus, the bus facility may be withdrawn. The onus of deciding the gravity of the situation is on the teacher in charge of the bus

The transportation policies and procedures for parents are given below:

  • The list of stops is prepared keeping in view the convenience and safety of all the commuters. Therefore, buses will not   stop according to individual convenience.
  • Parents are required to pick up the child from the designated In case the parent/guardian/caretaker is not there to receive the child the driver is instructed to bring back the child to the school.
  • In case of a change in route or destination, please inform the school transport authorities in writing to facilitate efficient Please inform us in advance because drivers are not authorized or permitted to take these decisions. Please avoid calling drivers directly as the mobile phones given to them are for emergencies only and they are not permitted to use them while driving.
  • Students in Class V or above will be allowed to enter their homes or compounds without being met by a parent / guardian / caretaker ONLY IF a signed authorization letter is on file with the
  • Students will be held responsible for any damage caused to the bus by their negligence or vandalism and fine will be
  • On receiving a complaint against a student causing in- discipline or being disobedient to the bus staff, his/her bus facility is liable to be
  • Parents should drop their children outside the bus and should not board the school
  • Parents are requested not to complain to the bus driver, conductor or security guard but report the matter to the transport in charge/ Teacher Incharge in writing
  • Please ensure that you understand the transport rules and encourage your child to follow them to enable the smooth running and safety of the transport
  • —————————————————————————————————————–BUS RULES FOR STUDENTS
    • All the students using the school bus are expected to be at  the bus stop at least five minutes before the arrival time of the bus
    • Buses will not wait for latecomers
    • Children should stay away from the main road until the bus arrives
    • No student should come near the entry door of the bus until it comes to a complete halt
    • All students should occupy the vacant seats immediately after boarding the bus
    • The front door of the bus is the only authorized entrance and exit
    • Students are to occupy only one seat in the bus.
    • Keep your head, hands, arms, and all other objects to yourself and in the bus
    • Do not litter on the bus, damage or destroy property.
    • The drivers are authorized to stop buses at the designated stops only, unless otherwise directed by the conductor in the bus
    • Be courteous to the staff on the bus and follow Always obey and respect the bus monitor/ conductor and the driver.
    • Students should board and exit the bus in an orderly and safe manner.
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